EPROPLAST sagt nein zur Plastiksteuer.

We at EPROPLAST say NO to the plastic tax!

How the plastic tax came about and why a plastic tax does not help the environment, but harms climate protection!

The German government wants to introduce a plastic tax to plug the budget gap. This hole in the budget has arisen after the Federal Constitutional Court banned the use of coronavirus funds for environmental protection.

The government's proposal to plug the budget gap is to levy a plastic tax exclusively on unrecycled packaging made of pure plastic. The aim is to pass on the EU plastic levy of 1.4 billion euros per year to the "polluters" (manufacturers). This EU plastic levy has already been in place since 2021 and was previously paid from the national budget.

What exactly is the plastic levy that has been in place since 2021?

The plastic levy is actually a Brexit levy that was introduced after the UK left the EU. The resulting shortfall in the UK's EU contributions was to be made up by increasing contributions from the other member states. In order to successfully implement these increases, they were simply called the plastic levy. This made it look like environmental protection for everyone.

What does the introduction of a plastic tax mean for EPROPLAST?

Eine Umlage der Plastikabgabe auf die Hersteller würde bedeuten, dass die Company der Kunststoffindustrie, so auch EPROPLAST, für die Folgen des Brexits und der verfassungswidrigen Haushaltsführung der Bundesregierung aufkommen sollen.

What consequences would a plastic tax have for employers like EPROPLAST?

Eine weitere Belastung der kunststoffverarbeitenden Company hätten nach den bereits gestiegenen Energiepreisen gravierende Folgen. Schließlich fordern Innovationen und ein Ausbau der Kreislaufwirtschaft hohe Investitionen, die durch Ankündigungen wie der Plastiksteuer eher gestoppt werden.

EPROPLAST would be at a major competitive disadvantage as a result of a plastic tax, as this tax would only be levied on plastic packaging and not on other packaging materials. As a result, customers would turn away from plastic packaging due to higher prices and turn to other packaging solutions. Falling sales and loss of customer relationships could be further effects.

Ebenso könnten sich viele Company überlegen, PET-Products lieber im Ausland zu günstigeren Preisen zu beziehen, da diese Abgabe dort in der Regel nicht erhoben wird.

What consequences would a plastic tax have for consumers?

Eine Plastiksteuer würde den Verbraucher treffen, schließlich müssten die Company die Kosten auf die Products umlegen. Von gestiegenen Preisen würden dabei besonders die unteren Einkommensschichten betroffen sein, da sich bei ihnen eine weitere Erhöhung der Preise besonders bemerkbar macht.

If the plastic levy is financed via the federal budget, i.e. from tax revenue as it has been up to now, the upper income brackets are more likely to be affected due to the tax rates.

What consequences would a plastic tax have for the environment and climate protection?

Further costs for the plastics industry could result in a halt to necessary investments in research, development and the expansion of climate protection. This would be a fatal development for the plastics industry and the future of environmental protection in Germany. After all, Germany has been a global role model for decades with its deposit system for disposable and reusable drinks bottles.

Da die Plastiksteuer nur auf Kunststoffverpackungen erhoben werden soll, wird sich der Trend hin zu anderen Verpackungen, die nicht die gleiche, hohe Recyclingfähigkeit wie Kunststoffe besitzen noch verstärken. Schon lange wird dem Verbraucher eingeredet, dass Glas, Papier oder Tetrapak die umweltfreundlichere Wahl sei. Dies stimmt aber schlichtweg nicht.

What are the major advantages of plastic and PET in particular?

If we take an objective look at the various packaging materials and compare them in terms of recyclability and climate protection, the situation is as follows:

  • PET packaging, such as that produced by EPROPLAST, is too 100 % recyclableIn comparison, composite packaging cannot be recycled as the individual layers can no longer be separated from each other. Composite packaging (such as Tetrapack or paper/plastic packaging) must be incinerated or chemically recycled at greater expense.
  • Compared to glass, PET has a low melting temperature of approx. 300 °, while glass is melted at approx. 1,400 °, which has an enormous impact on energy consumption.
  • PET packaging is also convincing in terms of climate protection thanks to its light weightwhich has a positive effect on the CO2 footprint during transport. PET also protects the environment through its break resistance the resources.
  • Soot-free inks, mono-material and packaging that has already been optimised in terms of design make the recyclable material PET is actually the material of the future for packaging with a high contribution to climate protection.

That's why we at EPROPLAST also say NO to the plastic tax!


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EFRE 2016 EEB 0006 - 068
Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and accompanying measures, end of project 31.08.2016

EFRE 2016 EEI 0272 - 068
Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and accompanying measures, end of project 31.10.2017

EFRE 2020 EEB 0118 - 068
Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in SMEs and accompanying measures, end of project 31.03.2021

GRW funding 01.04.2016 until 31.07.2019
Capacity expansion hall 5 incl. machines, plants and silo

GRW funding 01.08.2020 until 31.07.2023 Capacity expansion hall 6 incl. machines and equipment for the production of preforms and bottles

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